What Data Parents and children with type 1 diabetes should gather & Why?

Hello sweet folks (your body is overloaded with sweet glucose hence I prefer to call you so),

Diabetes care does not include only just insulin therapy. Beyond this there is a lot of data you need to collect and process. For example you blood glucose reading. These are not just numbers but involves assessment too like- whether the blood glucose is in target range, high or low. If low then you need act swift. If it is high you need a correction, If it is within target range you need to be assured.

Apart from this simple example there are many numbers and calculations one need to keep in mind and perform. Following are those-

1.      Blood glucose values- As explained above you need to keep a track of your blood glucose value. This can be done by testing capillary glucose or by using continuous glucose monitoring system. The data needs to be looked upon and analyzed to decide on insulin dosing, dietary modifications and adjustments, exercise, sleep and school schedule.

2.      Insulin doses- The dose of basal insulin depends on the age, pubertal status, whether honeymoon phase is present, diet, physical activity and routine. It has to be seen that the dose is adjusted and administered according to these factors. Also, in insulin pumps the basal rate varies which becomes a completely different ball game.

3.      Insulin carbohydrate ratio- It is the ratio of insulin to be administered for a given amount of carbohydrates. It also varies with age, pubertal status, diet & exercise as whole of insulin requirement also changes. Also the type of food being taken influences the ratio.

4.      Correction factor- There are going to be days when a child with diabetes is having perfect blood glucose on the other hand they will be completely all over the place. At such times correction factor plays a major role. It is to be remembered that the factor is provided to you by your doctor or diabetes educator and you should ask them to confirm it at every visit. Similar to insulin carbohydrate ratio it is also influenced by many factors.

5.      Time- It is important to keep a check on the duration of play time in a child with type 1 diabetes. It is very essential as insulin dose, correction factor& insulin carbohydrate ratio are all influenced by it.

While as a person with type 1 diabetes it seems to be really complicated believe me once you get hang of it these things will be at your fingertips. You will be amazed how efficiently you are able to manage your diabetes.

Dr Nikhil Lohiya- Pediatric & Adolescent Endocrinologist (www.silverliningpeds.com)


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